Monday, November 22, 2010

Mount Kimbie "Would Know"

I really enjoy the different sounds and chill beat. Amazing how popular this is considering it is not lyrically driven. I think I saw it on MTV and was like wtf that's awesome they will play other stuff, but it was really late maybe I was dreaming.

Robyn 'Indestructible'

I guess she has been pumping out albums, this is her third album out this year all of which have 'body talk' in the name, making her discography very confusing. Some of the singles in these albums were reworked. Anyways this has been in que for a while and her album came out today so it is appropriate(body talk which is a combination of some songs from body talk pt. 1 and 2 and body talk pt. 3)(very confused head explode).

"Gucci Sweatshirt" by Lazer Sword

Friday, November 19, 2010

Plan B is telling a story

Plan B is telling a story. Releasing videos chronologically backwards. It is kind of like trapped in the closet except not terrible.
Newest song, no rapping :(.

Second video :

If you don't take a shower you will get beat up.

Turn off the TV and we will break dance fight!